I was born in Huntsville, AL, and
began drawing and painting from a
very early age. My formative years
were spent in the cities and deserts
of Saudi Arabia, as I traveled with
my family. We explored the art,
landscapes, and wildlife of over two
dozen countries in a series of
journeys over multiple, very
influential years. Greece and Egypt
were my particular favorites, and have definite influence in my artwork.
In my university education, I studied graphic design, drawing, and
printmaking. My artistic training and professional career have explored every medium, from digital design to technical drawing to website design, and now back to printmaking.
In 2001, my husband Daniel and I moved ourselves and our two small children for the wilds of Florida, then spent the next 20 years observing and photographing the diverse wildlife and landscapes. My drawing style is typically very realistic, so I sought to push that limitation by delving into various artistic styles, such as the very stylized world of folk art. I always start from a standpoint of realism in my drawings, then work backwards towards the stylized: the pelican *must* be recognizable as a pelican, after all.
In returning again into printmaking, I’ve learned to have a clear path, and know what I want to accomplish from the outset; one cannot just add a shadow with a slightly darker blend of pigment, or lighten up an area with a bit more titanium white. In printmaking, everything must be planned from the start, whether it is positive - in the case a shape or pattern that gets inked - or negative - in the case of a space that is carved out and will not take ink. These work together to form highlights, the lowlights, and the entirety of the piece, and there's no turning back once carving has started, so the plan must be solid.
Back home now in North Alabama, with the kids all grown up, we live on an ex-hay farm we’re converting into a fruit and nut orchard, and making as much art as possible.

2025 (April/May) Gadsden Museum of Art, Gadsden, AL
2024 (April/May) Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment, Huntsville, AL
2024 (January) The Little Green Store & Gallery, Huntsville, AL
2021 Mulberry Cultural Center, Mulberry, FL
2023 (November) "Under Pressure", Carnegie Visual Arts Center, Decatur, AL
2023 Ink Only III, Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL
2022 ArtFields, Lake City, SC
2022 "All Things Florida" - Five Deuces Galleria, St Petersburg, FL
2021 "Arts & Rec" - Lakeland, FL
2021 "Heightened Senses" - Labyrinth Studios, Tampa, FL
2023 Arts Alive, Florence AL
2022 Arts Alive, Florence AL
2021 Cocoa Beach Art Festival, Cocoa Beach FL
2021 Maitland Rotary Art Festival, Maitland FL
2021 Halifax Art Festival, Daytona Beach FL
2021 Mayfaire-by-the-lake, Lakeland FL
2021 Bartow Blooming Arts Festival, Bartow FL
2021 Lake Wales Arts Festival, Lake Wales FL
2020 Maitland Rotary Art Festival, Maitland FL
2020 Suncoast Arts Fest, Tampa FL